Yeoan Youn

Title Scientist
Office Singular Genomics, San Diego
I am trying to push the limit of time and spatial resolution in tissue imaging by using multiple point scanning two-photon microscopy.
B.S. Physics, Yonsei University, 2013
M.S. Physics, Yonsei University, 2015
Ph.D. Biophysics and Quantitative biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015-Present
- Lee, Choongman, Joon Kyu Park, Yeoan Youn, Joo Hyoung Kim, Kyo-Seok Lee, Nak-kyoon Kim, Eunji Kim, Eunice Eunkyeong Kim, and Kyung-Hwa Yoo. “Analysis of Tertiary Interactions between SART3 and U6 Small Nuclear RNA Using Modified Nanocapillaries.” Analytical Chemistry 89, no. 4 (2017): 2390-2397. (Link)
- Teng, Kai Wen, Yuji Ishitsuka, Pin Ren, Yeoan Youn, Xiang Deng, Pinghua Ge, Sang Hak Lee, Andrew S. Belmont, and Paul R. Selvin. “Labeling proteins inside living cells using external fluorophores for microscopy.” Elife 5 (2016): e20378. (Link)
- Youn, Yeoan, Choongman Lee, Joo Hyoung Kim, Young Wook Chang, Dug Young Kim, and Kyung-Hwa Yoo. “Selective Detection of Single-Stranded DNA Molecules Using a Glass Nanocapillary Functionalized with DNA.” Analytical chemistry 88, no. 1 (2015): 688-694. (Link)