Dr. Barun Kumar Maity

Title Post Doctoral Researcher
Department Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Caltech
Email barun@nospam67ad03ddeb12d.illinois.edu


Welcome to my page. I am a Postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Paul Selvin’s lab in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  My current research interest lies in developing new super-resolution microscopy methods such as peptide PAINT and its application to solve biological problems.


B.Sc.               Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur, India, 2011

M.Sc.              Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2013

Ph. D.             Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, 2019


  1. Barun Kumar Maity†, Anand Kant Das†, Simli Dey, Ullhas Kaarthi Moorthi, Amandeep Kaur, Dayana Surendran, Rucha Pandit, Mamata Kallianpur, Bappaditya Chandra, Muralidharan Chandrakesan, Senthil Arumugam* and Sudipta Maiti*. “Ordered and Disordered Segments of Amyloid-β Drive Sequential Steps of the Toxic Pathway”. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2019, 10, (5), 2498-2509 (Submitted, † contributed equally)
  2. Barun Kumar MaityVicky VishvakarmaDayana SurendranAnoop RawatAnirban DasShreya PramanikNajmul Arfin, and Sudipta Maiti*. “Spontaneous Fluctuations Can Guide Drug Design Strategies for Structurally Disordered Proteins”. Biochemistry,2018, 57(28), 4206–4213.
  3. Barun Kumar Maity, Anirban Das, Sayan Dutta, and Sudipta Maiti*. “Design and Construction of a Line-Confocal Raman Microscope for Sensitive Molecules”. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. A Phys. Sci., 2018, 88(3):431–436.
  4. Barun Kumar Maity, and Sudipta Maiti*. “Label-free Imaging of Neurotransmitters in Live Brain Tissue by Multi-photon Ultraviolet Microscopy”. Neuronal Signaling, 2018, 2 NS20180132.
  5. Bappaditya Chandra†, Barun Kumar Maity†, Anirban Das and Sudipta Maiti*. “Fluorescence quenching by lipid encased nanoparticles shows that Amyloid-β has a preferred orientation in the membrane”. Chem. Commun., 2018, 54(56), 7750-7753. († contributed equally)
  1. Anoop Rawat, Barun Kumar Maity, Bappaditya Chandra, Anirban Das, and Sudipta Maiti*. “Aggregation-induced conformation changes dictate islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) membrane affinity”. Biochim Biophys Acta.,2018 Apr 4. pii: S0005-2736(18)30107-X.
  2. Kallol Bera, Anand Kant Das, Ananya Rkshit, Bidyut Sarkar, Anoop Rawat, Barun Kumar Maity and Sudipta Maiti*. “Fluorogenic Detection of Monoamine Neurotransmitters in Live Cells”. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 2018, 9(3), 469-474.
  3. Anand Kant Das†, Barun Kumar Maity†, Umakanta Tripathy*, and Sudipta Maiti*. “Label-free Ratiometric Imaging of Serotonin in Live Cells”. ACS Chem. Neurosci., 20178(11), 2369–2373. († contributed equally)
  1. Bappaditya Chandra†, Alexander Korn†, Barun Kumar Maity, Juliane Adler, Anoop Rawat, Martin Krueger, Daniel Huster, and Sudipta Maiti*. “Stereoisomers Probe Steric Zippers in Amyloid-β”. J. Phys. Chem. B,2017121(8), 1835–1842.(† contributed equally)
  1. Bappaditya Chandra†, Debanjan Bhowmik†, Barun Kumar Maity, Kaustubh Mote, Ravindra Venkatramani, Sudipta Maiti* and P. K. Madhu*. “Secondary Structure Flipping Associated with Salt-bridge Formation Converts Amyloid-β oligomers to Fibrils”. Biophys. J, 2017, 113 (4), 805-816. († contributed equally)
  2. Kallol Bera, Barun Kumar Maity, Moupriya Nag, Manjur Oyasim Akram and Soumen Basak*. “Photophysical effects of nitric oxide and S-nitrosocysteine on acridine orange: use as sequential sensing platform for NO, cysteine, cysteine–NO and Hg2+ under physiological conditions”. Anal. Methods, 2014, 6, 347–350.