Saurabh Shukla

Title Post-doctoral Researcher
Department University of Washington


I focus on understanding the mechanism of molecular motors in vivo.  I also am interested in search mechanism of Tale proteins in nucleus of the cell.


B. Tech.       Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
M. S.             Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL



  1. Saurabh Shukla, Alice Troitskaia, Nikhila Swarna, Barun Kumar Maity, Marco Tjioe, Carol S Bookwalter, Lynn Chrin, Christopher L Berger, Kathleen M Trybus, Yann R Chemla, Paul R Selvin. “Individual Molecular Motors use Low Forces to bypass Roadblocks during Collective Cargo TransportBioRxiv (2021)
  2. Surbhi Jain*, Saurabh Shukla*, Che Yang, Meng Zhang, Zia Fatma, Manasi Lingamaneni, Shireen Abesteh, Stephan Thomas Lane, Xiong Xiong, Yuchuan Wang, Charles M. Schroeder, Paul R. Selvin, Huimin Zhao “TALEN outperforms Cas9 in editing heterochromatin target sites”. Nature Communications (2020), In Press. (*Equal contribution)
  3. Tjioe, M., Shukla, S., Vaidya, R., Troitskaia, A., Bookwalter, C. S., Trybus, K. M., … & Selvin, P. R.. Multiple kinesins induce tension for smooth cargo transport. eLife8, e50974 (2019). (Link)
  4. Shukla, S., Zhao, C., & Shukla, D. Dewetting Controls Plant Hormone Perception and Initiation of Drought Resistance Signaling. Structure (2019) (Link)
  5. Shukla, S., Shamsi, Z., Moffett, A.S., Selvam, B. and Shukla, D. Applications of Hidden Markov Models in Bio-molecular Simulations. Hidden Markov Models: Methods and Protocols, 29-41. (Link)
  6. Yafia, M., Shukla, S., and Najjaran, H.  Fabrication of digital microfluidic devices on flexible paper-based and rigid substrates via screen printing. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,(2015). 25(5) (Link)
  7. Shukla, S., and A. Anand. “Multi-objective optimization of an industrial styrene reactor using Harmony Search Algorithm.” InternationalJournal of Computer & Communication Technology 2.8 (2011): 1-7. (Link)